Winter down jacket washing and maintenance methods! ! Do you really know how to wash down jackets for so many years?

What clothes do you wear to keep you warm in winter? In addition to the autumn clothes and long trousers that my mother called you to put on, down jackets are definitely ranked first. A good down jacket warms up and carries 10 coats, so it is no exaggeration to say that it is really a artifact for the winter!

But a down jacket is also expensive, and it really hurts to wear it out! ! In order to extend its wearing life, our usual maintenance is very important! I believe most people know that down jackets cannot be machine washed, but in fact! Here to tell everyone that down jackets are not only machine washable! Can’t be dry cleaned either!

This is not alarmist talk. I will tell you why down jackets cannot be machine washed or dry cleaned?

Down jackets can’t be washed like this

1 Not machine washable
The reason why down jackets have good warmth is because their air permeability is relatively poor, so if the fabric is too loose, it will run away and lose its warmth, and machine washing will cause the velvet to unite, and no matter how it is maintained, it will not It’s as warm as before~

2 Cannot be dry cleaned
But what makes it difficult to figure out is why dry cleaning is not possible? Doesn’t it mean that dry cleaning is professional care?
But in fact, the drying step in dry cleaning will make the down in the down jacket aging and brittle. Some dry-cleaning syrups can also destroy the protein content in the down, causing the down jacket to run out after a little shake after washing. Will lose warmth.
Seeing this, you should ask, since it cannot be machine-washed or dry-cleaned, how do you wash down jackets? Then look down.

How to clean down jackets?

1 Partial cleaning
If the down jacket is only partially dirty, it is not necessary to clean the whole piece. Because general down jacket fabrics are not afraid of water, as long as you put a few drops of collar cleaner or washing spirit on the dirty place, wipe it with a damp towel after a few minutes to decontaminate.
If it is not clean, just repeat it a few more times.

Local cleaning Tips:

It is best to use a special down jacket cleaning agent for cleaning down jackets. Because they are neutral, they can reduce the damage to protein fibers, and have excellent washing power and protection and conditioning effects. After washing, they can maintain the luster of the down jacket fabric and the fluffy inside.

2 Complete cleaning

If the down jacket is dirty, it is recommended to wash it by hand. But the washing process is very particular, and it is specifically divided into the following 6 steps:
Step 1: First soak the down jacket in cold water for 20 minutes, so that the inside and outside of the down jacket are fully soaked.
Step 2: Dissolve the washing powder in water at 30°C and stir well, then put the down jacket in it and soak for 15 minutes.
Step 3: Take the down jacket out of the washing powder water, spread it flat on a clean table, and use a soft brush dipped in the washing powder to gently scrub the down jacket from the inside to the outside.
Step 4: Grasp each part of the down jacket with both hands in the water until the kneading is clean. Never twist it into a twist shape! !
Step 5: Control most of the water, and then rinse the down jacket in clean water several times to completely remove the washing powder residue.
Step 6: After the down jacket is washed, it should not be wringed out. The water should be squeezed out, and then laid flat or hung to dry. Exposure to the sun is prohibited and ironing is not allowed to avoid scalding the clothes.
In this way, the velvet can maintain its elasticity. The above are the steps for us to clean down jackets correctly. In addition to these, we also sort out four problems that we will encounter during the cleaning and maintenance process. You can take a look to solve your doubts~
Note that the amount of washing powder is usually 4 to 5 spoons of washing powder in the two washbasins. If the concentration is too high, the residual washing powder in the down jacket will affect the bulkiness of the down and greatly reduce the warmth retention.

Post time: Sep-27-2021